Future Path Academy

Where The Future begin

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Years of excellence
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News & Events

Future Path Academy Hosts Annual Innovation Fair 2024

Future Path Academy Hosts Annual…

Introduction Future Path Academy proudly hosted its Annual Innovation Fair on June…

Upcoming Open House Event

Upcoming Open House Event

Date: October 15, 2024Location: Main Campus Auditorium We are thrilled to announce…

Annual Science Fair 2024

Annual Science Fair 2024

Date: August 20, 2024Location: University Sports Complex We are excited to invite…

Grand Opening of Our New Science Building!

Grand Opening of Our New…

Date: July 10, 2024Location: Main Campus We are thrilled to announce the…



German Language

(BA in German Studies)

Sport Science

BSc (Hons)


LLB (Hons)


BSc (Hons)


BSc (Hons)



Our Students Testimonials


Daiyu Hua

Past student

Blair Mitchell

Final Year Student

One Year With Us

Arnold jeon

The program's comprehensive approach transformed my career and opened many opportunities.

Amazing learning experience with dedicated professors and engaging coursework.

Exciting start to my journey with inspiring mentors and peers.

zack leonar

Past Student

rachel lewis

One Year With Us

Past Student

frank allison

Incredible faculty and hands-on learning prepared me for real-world challenges.

The curriculum is challenging and enriching, offering a solid foundation.

I gained invaluable skills and confidence to excel in the music industry.

Aliyah becker

Visiting Lecturer

Jenny mabellie

Final year Student

Final Year Student

samantha william

consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

I've grown tremendously, both personally and professionally, through this program.

The supportive community and practical training have been crucial to my success.

Our Students Testimonials


Daiyu Hua

Past student

Blair Mitchell

Final Year Student

One Year With Us

Arnold jeon

The program's comprehensive approach transformed my career and opened many opportunities.

Amazing learning experience with dedicated professors and engaging coursework.

Exciting start to my journey with inspiring mentors and peers.

zack leonar

Past Student

rachel lewis

One Year With Us

Past Student

frank allison

Incredible faculty and hands-on learning prepared me for real-world challenges.

The curriculum is challenging and enriching, offering a solid foundation.

I gained invaluable skills and confidence to excel in the music industry.

Aliyah becker

Visiting Lecturer

Jenny mabellie

Final year Student

Final Year Student

samantha william

consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

I've grown tremendously, both personally and professionally, through this program.

The supportive community and practical training have been crucial to my success.

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